Friday, July 01, 2011


Second time in less than a week that I've woken up in utter confusion by my handphone ringing. Handphone. That's an asian Chinese word. Taken directly from shou ti dian hua, which literally means hand phone. Everyone else in the world calls it mobile, or cell. Me? I still can't not think about that device as a handphone. It's too deeply ingrained into my psyche.

Anyway so I just got very weirdly woke up by Hadi.

I woke up at 10am today and forced myself out of bed. At 12pm, a mere 2 hours later, I decided I might as well lie down and nap until Hadi called me around 3pm. I set an alarm for 1:30pm. At 12:45pm when I woke up to use the bathroom, I decided to reset the alarm for 2pm. I went to sleep and dreamed a weird dream. It seems I've been dreaming every time I fall asleep nowadays. At 2pm my alarm rang and I woke up for a second to grab the phone and turn off the alarm, then I went back to sleep. At 2:09pm, Hadi called, and I got woken rather bizarrely by a device vibrating on my chest.

It was rather fortuitous I suppose, that my sleep addled mind a mere 9 minutes earlier decided the safest place to store a handphone was by balancing it on my chest, because my handphone was on silent mode. The vibrations woke me up, and a very confused phone call commenced next.

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