Saturday, July 30, 2005

I remember the first computer game I played, albeit fuzzily. Of course the game is so old now that even the official website has been removed and changed to a command and conquer site. I did however manage to find this (:

Ahhh, I feel so old now. I was like, 8-ish when my dad brought this home one day (from JB of course)

It's been ages since I've thought of Dune 2000, I guess I'm thinking of it because I have the original Dune novel sitting next to me now, a result of a sci-fi loving (and generous) aunt who donated $40 to inkwell if I'd read that book.

Looking at the website makes me feel like playing it again! Ahhh, I remember that infernal worm coming up and gobbling my harvestors, and those cute little quads (that's how I learnt quad meant 4 >.<)

And my favourite house was Ordos (:

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Worm eating up hapless tank

Ahhh, I feel like playing it now :( But I'd seriosuly doubt it'll run on a XP computer and I think even the pirates across the courseway have either destroyed or cleared their stock. Sigh. After Dune 2000 was Starcraft with their more complex storylines and units, not to mention graphics but Dune 2000 will always remain in my heart (:

Gee, I sound like a nerd >.<

Ordos, out.

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