Monday, February 18, 2008


I need more excitement in my life, this panel from Questionable Content stayed in my mind the entire weekend and I kept getting squee-ey over it! It's just nice watching someone fall in love I suppose, even if they exist only on paper. Better than whatever I have now - which is nothing! Aha.


1) Google keeps saying I have some sort of virus or spybot ): It keeps messing up all Google-related sign-in applications. Argh.

2) I am addicted to Via Audio's Harder On Me, because it sounds like Hello Stranger's Take it to the Maxx for some reason. And because I can't get my hands on Hello Stranger (as of yet!) I am listening to Via Audio as if it's some sort of proxy. They are still however, a wonderful band.

3) I should post what happened when I lost my wallet last week, and then my watch, and etc, but urgh no time (either work or mindless wanderings around Etsy). I have quite a few pieces of major work to clear this week, in addition to a Biology test on Wednesday. O woe is I.

Okay three is a nice number. Goodnight.

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