Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Oh God (pun intended perhaps?), I LOL-ed like hell at The Bastard Fairies' video for We're All Going to Hell. Listening to the lyrics was amusing enough by itself - but the video is made of win. I thought of Mitt Romney when watching the beginning bit, funnily enough (instead of Huckabee, but he is too cute in a little-boy-who-has-a-name-that-cannot-be-taken-seriously way).

Most disturbingly I have been told (or rather have seen actually ): ) that some year 5 girl from MGS looks like me! Wtf. Not cool man, not cool. I don't quite believe I have ever seen her before in my life, though admittedly I looked even worse that I do now when I was in MGS (you can look at my Facebook pictures should you wish to). WORSE: Daryl, someone I consider a good friend, almost went up to her to talk, thinking she was me -_______-

I think it's bad enough I look the way I do, without someone actively present for further comparisons to be drawn. Urgh, today is JAE, would it be really bad for me to wish she gets dispatched off to somewhere else? Like perhaps ACJC or RJC or something. And speaking of JAE, I hope no one particularly unpleasant that I am vaguely familiar with comes to my school.

Oh wow, I just saw her blog, she got posted to ACJC *does a little dance*. Okay, now I hope that her other compatriots didn't make it in. Good girl, please don't appeal, follow your heart, like it says on your blog.

And hmm... I don't think I can ever quite approve of people clubbing, much less underaged people clubbing >.<


Edit: I am finally listening to The Pierces properly (album: Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge), and damn, I missed listening to them properly when I really felt that way last year and they were sitting around relatively un-listened in my itunes. Apparently they were featured on Gossip Girl too, so while they do deserve the publicity, I feel like :/ (I hope this isn't Feist, Paramore, Panic! and OK Go all over again)

This is the third time I've edited this post.

The ant bite on the back of my knee is really itchy.

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