Wednesday, February 06, 2008

My head feels light once more and I feel lots of random thoughts start flying into my head! I saw random things too, today, like:

1) Minnen Lejon in Ikea

2) Fuckbar in Ikea

3) Did you know out of 33 keyboards in Ikea's computer/study displays, 32 have pencil markings meticulously drawn on them, labeling the keys with A-Z and etc?

4) I saw a guy on the bus that looked like Mel Chandy (I think that's his name) and had the body of Ben Soh. He had very big eyes. I couldn't stop looking at him because I felt so weirded out by how incongruous everything seemed. Maybe I was hallucinating again.

5) I hallucinated when I was out with Daryl and Ted Kin at Borders last week. Daryl and I were in the CD section and I was looking at a disc when I thought Ted Kin came over and asked me where Daryl was (I also saw his figure dressed in the white & blue uniform out of the corner of my eye). Without looking up, I pointed towards Daryl and said, "there" and 'Ted Kin' went off. Later when I met Daryl I asked, "where is Ted Kin?". Daryl thought he heard Ted Kin too - but when we went back to the Sports section he was still there reading one of his Muay Thai books.

6) This list is no longer about today.

7) I feel tired, I don't know why. Logically I've been getting a lot of sleep, so I shouldn't be tired!

8) My dad thinks I don't know what 'oncological' means. Firefox doesn't recognise it as a word either.

9) My defense mechanism has finally kicked in. What was ACJC-mania is 2006 is now Oxford-mania in 2008. Just like how I never did make it to ACJC in the end, I might not make it to Oxford - but a goal it is! (16.2% admission rate, oh I do feel dizzy thinking about it)

10) Last week Steph, Kaijun, Mong and I were doodling in Arjun's diary. I doodled on 14th Feb without realising any significance and Steph was "Hey! Don't you realise what day that is?" and my reply was "Uh, one day before Civil Defense Day?"

11) There is a beef dish in The Coffee Club that looks wonderfully good: Chong Wee and I were eying it yesterday, but it was far too close to dinner.

12) I really need to volume adjust Sondre Lerche on Middlemarch II. His songs kill my ears because for some reason they are exceptionally loud.

I still feel strange. I am very strange.

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