Friday, February 29, 2008

Once again I find myself sick and sniffling away, brain addled by the drowsy effect of drugs taken 17 hours ago and senses strangely sharp yet blunted at the same time.

I blame the air conditioning yesterday, which was on full blast and resulted in many of us with dry throats and the sniffles, and to quote Nic, "Was fucking cold". Environmentally-friendly, ACSI is most certainly not.

Yesterday I also decided, rather spontaneously, to give blood (I just hope whoever get my blood doesn't fall sick with the flu too, I asked my doctor just now and he said it should be okay, but there is always that lingering though in my head). I ignored all the calls for people to collect consent forms in the week(s?) preceding the event. I 'ignored' various people asking me if I was going to donate blood. I ignored Cielo hopping around during recess in the SAC and her refusal to drink coffee, and somehow when I met a rather anxious Anne in class before Sir Reverse Weeaboo came in, I decided to go donate blood with her.

I'm really afraid of needles. I'm absolutely terrified of pain. I was partly relieved that I had done so much damage to my right foot that a surgery where I'd be knocked out was required, because I didn't want to be conscious when the doctor did shit to my foot. So them, somewhere down the line, good intentions and a constant want to conquer my fears managed to overcome my fear of needles and pain.

When the lady poked my finger in order to test the iron content, I felt like I was 4 again, having stapled my finger while playing 'teacher' on day. Afterwards I was left with a ringing pain in my finger, and that spot is most sensitive today - more than the actual needle hole. Thank goodness for Cielo who kept me distracted by talking to me when the lady was poking me.

I guess the overall experience wasn't so bad? It was mostly psychological, and I have Han An, Tricia and Sarah to thank for helping distract me during the entire thing, especially Tricia who talked to me when the lady was preparing my arm/poking the needle in. Afterwards those three came every 30 seconds, independent of each other, to check on how the blood was clotting. I kept giggling when that happened. Afterwards Sarah bundled me up with a purple band with the words 'GIVE BLOOD' subtly printed on top and I returned to class.

My mother keeps saying the reason I fell sick was because I gave blood yesterday, which I highly doubt. Even so, if my sickness can help someone, then I don't mind it so much. Besides, I got to skip a rather useless day today and sleep for 12 hours (which is a luxury I've not had in years).

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