Thursday, February 07, 2008

I've been getting a lot of headaches recently, not the painful-knock-you-over-blind kind, but the I-feel-like- my-head-is-being-squeezed-and-I-don't-like-it sort. I find it puzzling because previously they used to come about from:

1) Lack of sleep - but I've been sleeping a lot recently, and feeling very tired to boot. I have no idea why, but it can't be from lack of sleep! I've been getting more than 6 hours this week and the past week too.
2) Weather - It is dreadfully hot out there, but I have been hiding in relatively climate-controlled-and-climate-damaging air conditioning at a comfortable 25 degrees Celcius (actually my air conditioning sucks so it's probably closer to 27/28 degrees), so that can't be it either!
3) Stress - I am always stressed, but less so this week and other times! Just now I stared at my World Lit outline and an opened writer (I really need Microsoft Word, help help!) and I didn't know how to start. I gave up and went to read Middlemarch again (yes I am still reading it, I read in chunks of the various 'books' within. I vow to finish it before the middle of March [yes I know that's a terrible pun, but I said it anyway]!)

I hope you're feeling better Suat >.<

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