Today after dinner I managed a productive session of Econs IA touch ups. This might normally have taken me the entire night as I usually get distracted by 10,000 things calling out to me on the internet and thus don't do the work as I should. But not tonight! I finished my work within 20 minutes. So hooray, go me.
Then I set off for a brisk walk to Greenleaf to join Cheam for a run. However as I walked along the tree shaded-burnt yellow lit streets (empty too I might add), I noticed a man walking in the opposite direction. Most oddly he crossed the road to my side even though there was still pavement to walk on and no cars were about (this was in the middle of a straight road), plus this was the darkest part of the road. Immediately I felt fear coursing through my body and eyed him warily as he approached. As he walked with a cursory glance to the road, he turned to stare at me deliberately, sending chills up my spine.
My pulse started racing as I quickly mentally calculated how I'd react if he tried anything funny, there were quite a few houses nearby, but there was also a large construction site nearby... My hair was also tied up in a ponytail, making it easier to pull and most obviously this man was larger than I was. As my mind started exploding into a multitude of rapid disjointed thoughts, two feelings were clear: fear and regret. Fear is obvious, something I nary need to explain, but regret! The feeling was regret because I didn't know how to defend myself, because I hadn't been bothered enough to learn how to defend myself.
Of course as most of you know I'm here typing this post right now, not lying in some ditch in some darkened area somewhere bleeding to death, so obviously nothing happened to me. The guy stared intently, passed by as I steeled myself for any hard blow, and I quickly scampered off to the well-lit meeting area to wait for Cheam to appear.
In order to end this post on a better note, I must add that Cheam very nicely provided me with Cha Ye Dan (literally: Tea Leaf Egg) from Queensway Shopping Centre. He bought them for me when he was there buying stuff earlier in the day, even though he hates the smell. When I got home (escorted, thank goodness :x) I peeled the eggs and heated them in the microwave oven. Yum yum yum! He's not the only one who hates the smell though, my dad hates it too.
Every time I eat Cha Ye Dan or even smell the scene of the herbs, I always think back to my PSLE days. This is because right before the PSLE exams when my Lao Shi (Huang, of the many many Huang Lao Shis out there) called us back for extra revision classes in the afternoons or on Saturdays, she always boiled Cha Ye Dan for us. For those not in the know, the process of boiling takes at least 6 hours, not to mention one had to shell out (HAHAHA PUN!) money to buy the herbs and eggs. It was really a labour of love. Even though I turned out to be one of her worst students (C for PSLE!), I will always remember fondly how she treated all of us equally and even bothered to make Cha Ye Dan for us. Xie Xie Lao Shi, teachers like you are the only reason why I didn't completely give up on Chinese.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Attempting to write 3 essays within the span of 24 hours is really proving to be a killer. Today I finished editing World Lit 2 essay by 12:30pm and went to school just to hand it up to Gen (after a trek around the school trying to figure out where everyone was) around 1:30 before running away lest my attendance be questioned.
Now I sit at my laptop staring blankly at a Paper 2 essay word .doc that demands itself be written by tomorrow, disjointed ideas floating about my head and a bareboneskeleton outline written haphazardly between the thin margins of question 5a and 5b.
I would quote something about The Chronicles of Jane here, but it was a highly irritating play that got on my nerves (which is probably a sign of good acting on the part of the ACSI Independent Stage depending on how you look at it). Competition Piece however, was fully worth the $15 - so congrats to all the people who starred in it. It was a wonderful play.
Now I sit at my laptop staring blankly at a Paper 2 essay word .doc that demands itself be written by tomorrow, disjointed ideas floating about my head and a bareboneskeleton outline written haphazardly between the thin margins of question 5a and 5b.
I would quote something about The Chronicles of Jane here, but it was a highly irritating play that got on my nerves (which is probably a sign of good acting on the part of the ACSI Independent Stage depending on how you look at it). Competition Piece however, was fully worth the $15 - so congrats to all the people who starred in it. It was a wonderful play.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I have found the quote which most explains the quirks I have, from refusing to get a Mac because everyone and their sons wants a Mac because it's 'hipster geek cool' to shying away from Nikon for the same reason (it's so bad my goodness! I've seen people camwhore with a Nikon dslr. GTFO please).
"There's nothing more satisfying than to be counter to a counter culture."
"There's nothing more satisfying than to be counter to a counter culture."
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Somehow I have managed to go one week without posting anything on this blog. This is rather odd considering that I sometimes go through bouts of OCD where I get distressed over the fact that I am wasting space on the intarwebz without actually contributing anything that might possibly give a marginal social benefit (laughter at my expense/interesting rubbish).
This also means I have forgotten every single musing I had throughout the week but neglected to record down. Boo. I shall now attempt to give a very patchy recollection of my entire week.
The day started out on a rather ominous note. Outside when I was waiting for my school bus to come I noticed a large dark and angry cloud mushrooming over the area where school was. Later on the bus I noted how as we got closer to school the area around seemed to get darker. Turning around, I also noticed how I saw the dawn approaching from the edges of the dark cloud as we drove deeper into the heart of the storm. Night had literally sunk it's hooks into day. Then just we reached school it started to rain heavily. What a start to a day. As a bonus there was no assembly.
During the major huge recess/tok/sl2 break today, Huang Yihui came over. I ran down from the library where I was with Cao and Pong printing EE stuff to the roundabout where she popped out of a cab. Then she followed me back to the library and spoke a little to Pong and Cao. Cao and I (+ Yihui) then traipsed over to Uncle Tony who appeared to be more knowledgeable about the EE format than Cao. Afterwards I went to the SAC with her to talk about random things and people and then dragged her up to the Y6 level where we met an irate Pthong who owned us because visitors were not allowed ):
It was really nice meeting up with her and it was great that she was thoughtful enough to meet up with me & travel down to ACS to do so. In a way this is ironic because it means I've met up with her more even though she's in Australia most of the year than I have with my other MGS friends who still remain in Singapore. Life is odd indeed.
Then after school I stayed back to go over my World Lit 1 with John (thank you!) and Stephanie who was attending the useless UCAS talk with me. Then I reached home around 5:30.
...was a crazy day. I didn't even attend a single lesson the entire day because of charity cafe. I originally wanted to skip school to do work at home, but then I felt guilty at the thought that I'd be abandoning my classmates so I went to school -_______________________-
The first lessons was Econs, but Daryl and I didn't do the Indian reverend's work, so we went to 'help' Darren set up the Wii for the charity cafe. This entailed a lot of bumming around till I got bored and went back up to class to get the stuff to set up the milo dinosaur bit of .9's charity cafe. As I was setting up I noticed that we had no tumbler, no cups and no can opener. D'oh. So off I went to get water from the water cooler and left the tiny kettle to boil as I went off to watch Darren mess about to get the Wii to work. As I sat there watching the Wii, some kids came running into the SAC, tripped over the kettle wire and sent the kettle flying. SMASH the kettle fell down the ground in multiple pieces, spilling boiling hot water all over the damn place. The kids then ran away. D'OH!
The noise sent quite a few people from other classes over to our end to investigate and they all very nicely helped pick up the mess. Chong Wee then helped me piece the kettle cover back together, only for both of us to realise a spring was missing from the inside to the cover couldn't be opened properly anymore. Then Jamie came by and tried to help prise the cover open but failed, so in the end the kettle remained 50% spoiled. At least it still boiled water. So off I went to refill it again.
When I returned I discovered to my dismay that the Secondary recess crowd had just appeared in the SAC, except we couldn't make the milo dinosaur because we still had no cups. Some of the class people appeared but then quickly disappeared as they had to go for the survey and I was left with Jim to man the place. This probably marked the beginning of me starting to get very frustrated and angry at how badly everything was coordinated which made the D in me shoot up. That and I did not like the feeling of getting mobbed by 10,000 kids and trying to get their attention long enough to make them pay for the game.
After some time people from class appeared again and we started making milo and getting mobbed. Then as quickly as the Secondary school mob appeared in the SAC, they were gone. I forget everything else that happened in the interim except bits like:
- playing guitar hero for the first time on the urging of Stephanie and failing because I kept pressing the wrong key
- a series of 5 showdowns by various people playing Through the Fire and Flames by Dragonforce on Expert (for some reason the song looks different from the one on the Wii) and getting almost perfect scores. Wesley from !nk was one of them, Ian Liew and Mong were others
- being really surprised by how good some people were at guitar hero, especially a certain person who played the console like a guitar by actually strumming using a coin
- getting frustrated that we were unable to sell the milo
- eating food and wandering around
- making a lot of milo
- ordering (!!! what the) my classmates around to sell/make milo --> how uncharacteristic of me, I cringe thinking about it now
- getting told to chill out multiple times
- feeling very tired and exhausted
- getting a headache from the loud songs blasting from guitar hero
- watching 2 kids getting owned by a teacher for ponning class to play guitar hero
- getting sick of Cliffs of Dover, Through the Fire and Flames, Welcome to the Jungle and When You Were Young
- getting even more upset when someone opened another tin of milo even though we were done selling
All throughout I kept thinking of how useless the entire day was because I had so much work to do and there I was doing rubbish for charity cafe. Finally after school I managed to get some work done in the library with Louis, so at least the day was not entirely a waste.
After school I joined Eliel, Ted Kin, Elliot and Clarence to watch The Dark Knight Again, one of the few times I was willing to see a movie twice (this is a testament to how awesome it is!). Upon reaching the Hotel Rendezvous bus stop, the bunch of us ran to the Cathay to get the tickets in time for the 2:00pm show.
Watching the movie a second time was great because it gave me a chance to notice all the details that I had missed before. This also meant it gave me a false sense of confidence that I knew what was happening next - so I was less prepared for scary scenes. *spoiler alert!* When the scene where the dead fake batman slams into the mayor's window, I literally jumped in my seat and grabbed Elliot and to my chagrin later found out that I had screamed. Loudly. Oh my goodness, how embarrassing.
After the movie we migrated down to the basement to get the fried chicken from the Shilin Taiwanese snacks, meeting a balloon throwing Louis and Zhikai on our way out. We then walked to Dhoby Ghaut MRT station and Elliot and I then took 77 back.
This post is so badly done I refuse to think about it any further. Buai.
This also means I have forgotten every single musing I had throughout the week but neglected to record down. Boo. I shall now attempt to give a very patchy recollection of my entire week.
The day started out on a rather ominous note. Outside when I was waiting for my school bus to come I noticed a large dark and angry cloud mushrooming over the area where school was. Later on the bus I noted how as we got closer to school the area around seemed to get darker. Turning around, I also noticed how I saw the dawn approaching from the edges of the dark cloud as we drove deeper into the heart of the storm. Night had literally sunk it's hooks into day. Then just we reached school it started to rain heavily. What a start to a day. As a bonus there was no assembly.
During the major huge recess/tok/sl2 break today, Huang Yihui came over. I ran down from the library where I was with Cao and Pong printing EE stuff to the roundabout where she popped out of a cab. Then she followed me back to the library and spoke a little to Pong and Cao. Cao and I (+ Yihui) then traipsed over to Uncle Tony who appeared to be more knowledgeable about the EE format than Cao. Afterwards I went to the SAC with her to talk about random things and people and then dragged her up to the Y6 level where we met an irate Pthong who owned us because visitors were not allowed ):
It was really nice meeting up with her and it was great that she was thoughtful enough to meet up with me & travel down to ACS to do so. In a way this is ironic because it means I've met up with her more even though she's in Australia most of the year than I have with my other MGS friends who still remain in Singapore. Life is odd indeed.
Then after school I stayed back to go over my World Lit 1 with John (thank you!) and Stephanie who was attending the useless UCAS talk with me. Then I reached home around 5:30.
...was a crazy day. I didn't even attend a single lesson the entire day because of charity cafe. I originally wanted to skip school to do work at home, but then I felt guilty at the thought that I'd be abandoning my classmates so I went to school -_______________________-
The first lessons was Econs, but Daryl and I didn't do the Indian reverend's work, so we went to 'help' Darren set up the Wii for the charity cafe. This entailed a lot of bumming around till I got bored and went back up to class to get the stuff to set up the milo dinosaur bit of .9's charity cafe. As I was setting up I noticed that we had no tumbler, no cups and no can opener. D'oh. So off I went to get water from the water cooler and left the tiny kettle to boil as I went off to watch Darren mess about to get the Wii to work. As I sat there watching the Wii, some kids came running into the SAC, tripped over the kettle wire and sent the kettle flying. SMASH the kettle fell down the ground in multiple pieces, spilling boiling hot water all over the damn place. The kids then ran away. D'OH!
The noise sent quite a few people from other classes over to our end to investigate and they all very nicely helped pick up the mess. Chong Wee then helped me piece the kettle cover back together, only for both of us to realise a spring was missing from the inside to the cover couldn't be opened properly anymore. Then Jamie came by and tried to help prise the cover open but failed, so in the end the kettle remained 50% spoiled. At least it still boiled water. So off I went to refill it again.
When I returned I discovered to my dismay that the Secondary recess crowd had just appeared in the SAC, except we couldn't make the milo dinosaur because we still had no cups. Some of the class people appeared but then quickly disappeared as they had to go for the survey and I was left with Jim to man the place. This probably marked the beginning of me starting to get very frustrated and angry at how badly everything was coordinated which made the D in me shoot up. That and I did not like the feeling of getting mobbed by 10,000 kids and trying to get their attention long enough to make them pay for the game.
After some time people from class appeared again and we started making milo and getting mobbed. Then as quickly as the Secondary school mob appeared in the SAC, they were gone. I forget everything else that happened in the interim except bits like:
- playing guitar hero for the first time on the urging of Stephanie and failing because I kept pressing the wrong key
- a series of 5 showdowns by various people playing Through the Fire and Flames by Dragonforce on Expert (for some reason the song looks different from the one on the Wii) and getting almost perfect scores. Wesley from !nk was one of them, Ian Liew and Mong were others
- being really surprised by how good some people were at guitar hero, especially a certain person who played the console like a guitar by actually strumming using a coin
- getting frustrated that we were unable to sell the milo
- eating food and wandering around
- making a lot of milo
- ordering (!!! what the) my classmates around to sell/make milo --> how uncharacteristic of me, I cringe thinking about it now
- getting told to chill out multiple times
- feeling very tired and exhausted
- getting a headache from the loud songs blasting from guitar hero
- watching 2 kids getting owned by a teacher for ponning class to play guitar hero
- getting sick of Cliffs of Dover, Through the Fire and Flames, Welcome to the Jungle and When You Were Young
- getting even more upset when someone opened another tin of milo even though we were done selling
All throughout I kept thinking of how useless the entire day was because I had so much work to do and there I was doing rubbish for charity cafe. Finally after school I managed to get some work done in the library with Louis, so at least the day was not entirely a waste.
After school I joined Eliel, Ted Kin, Elliot and Clarence to watch The Dark Knight Again, one of the few times I was willing to see a movie twice (this is a testament to how awesome it is!). Upon reaching the Hotel Rendezvous bus stop, the bunch of us ran to the Cathay to get the tickets in time for the 2:00pm show.
Watching the movie a second time was great because it gave me a chance to notice all the details that I had missed before. This also meant it gave me a false sense of confidence that I knew what was happening next - so I was less prepared for scary scenes. *spoiler alert!* When the scene where the dead fake batman slams into the mayor's window, I literally jumped in my seat and grabbed Elliot and to my chagrin later found out that I had screamed. Loudly. Oh my goodness, how embarrassing.
After the movie we migrated down to the basement to get the fried chicken from the Shilin Taiwanese snacks, meeting a balloon throwing Louis and Zhikai on our way out. We then walked to Dhoby Ghaut MRT station and Elliot and I then took 77 back.
This post is so badly done I refuse to think about it any further. Buai.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I find this song really amusing and fascinating:
Sublime - Date Rape
Musically it reminds me of Panic! At the Disco, with regards to the beat and the odd voice. However it's far from a song sung by pretty boys. It's lyrics are both witty while being a social commentary of sorts, narrating a story of a date rape.
Sublime - Date Rape
Musically it reminds me of Panic! At the Disco, with regards to the beat and the odd voice. However it's far from a song sung by pretty boys. It's lyrics are both witty while being a social commentary of sorts, narrating a story of a date rape.
"Well, I cant take pity on men of his kind,
Even though he now takes it in the behind."
Even though he now takes it in the behind."
I have been confined to the house. This is because I am sick. Last night I was huddled in a swaddle of blanket, tissues stuffed up the nose and pouring over Ouran Manga. I also emptied my cup of water frequently and made excursions to the bathroom every 30 minutes.
Yes, I have hit a new low in my life. I have also just secretly eaten a packet of ready salted chips, locking the door to my room as I committed that cardinal sin. I only call it a sin because my parents can't get over the fact that I'm not really sick now - just drugged - and thus unable to go for the !nk party tonight. So my act of rebellion is to eat chips behind closed doors. Yum chips. Actually since the brand is Waitrose it should be crisps instead. Yummy ready salted crisps.
This is partly brought about by the sad state of my love life (read: it does not exist), a suffocating school schedule and a wonderful state of mind that is equal parts stress and 'cannot be bothered' mentality. I shall now proceed to elaborate on these points further.
1) 'sad state of my love life (read: it does not exist)'
The only thing I have vaguely romantic in real life now is the presence of this junior in !nk, initials D. C. (come on, I'm sure you can guess who!) who whenever he talks to be me always sounds like he is flirting. This would actually translate to more points if this person wasn't always talking to people like that, including the senior male editors. I don't know, maybe he's an exceptionally horny bisexual. Emphasis on the exceptionally horny bit, because in order to flirt with someone like me I think the person must be really desperate.
For the past week, I have been rereading the entire Ouran Host Club manga series (including rewatching the pilot episode). For the uninformed, the Ouran manga (as well as the Love Hina and other random manga I have at home) was a remnant from my pre-indie fag days. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy manga anymore because evidently I do - I'm just in the process of being able to mould everything into a congruent image of myself. Anyway as I read Ouran again, I am once more reunited by the stream of emotions that comes with being involved in something and my old crush on Kyoya Otori. Yes, I am that pathetic. This mades me want to continue reading more manga, so I ended up staying a little bit more later than usual every night to read before sleeping (though blame must also be accorded to Guterson's Snow Falling Over Cedars). This thus made me sick, because I was not getting enough sleep.
2) 'suffocating school schedule'
On the night of The Dark Knight, I returned home to a frantic call from Malcolm because we had yet to do our History presentation. After quickly showering, I logged on even though I was seriously dying from the exhaustion. Then, I had to struggle through cyberspace and work out another Biology practical proposal because the last one got rejected while trying to be helpful to Mong and Elliot who were doing the presentation with me. So while I was reckoning with all of this, my exhaustion passed and I was in a state ofnirvana tired-but-unable-to-sleep-anymore. This thus led me to read, eating into even more sleeping hours.
The rest of the school week also felt rather tedious, with little to dissipate the monotony and pointlessness of everything. This was especially compounded by how there was so much free time in school, leading to frustration building up because that time was essentially dead time, a dead weight loss, because I cannot do work when there are so many people around. I couldn't really read either because class was so noisy (which led to me hiding outside class with Snow Falling on Cedars almost every break I had). I literally felt time seeping through my small hands.
Economics also posed another problem. Other than being the one subject I most hate, it is also the most frustrating subject because of how it is taught. Yes, I like the Indian Preacher, but damn if I don't enjoy the grueling sessions of non stop past year papers grilling. It makes me feel stupid, frustrated and bored. I don't use my mind in class except to think about how pointless everything is and how frustrated I feel.
The two different points of frustration for me then converged into a mass which demanded exceptional bummishness at home. So I started rereading Ouran this week. This then led to me sleeping later, so I fell sick.
3) 'wonderful state of mind that is equal parts stress and 'cannot be bothered' mentality'
I think most of you know what I'm talking about. This is the feeling that you get when you know you have a mountainload of work to do and feel stressed out, leading to feelings of being burnt out and thus not caring for your work leading to sub-par work which then leads to more stress and bla bla bla.
This thus results in a feeling of avoidance of work and of frustration. So I end up reading Ouran manga. Ouran manga this keeps me awake at night, so I sleep less and fall sick.
So to sum it up, Ouran manga is something else that is bad for my health.
Yes, I have hit a new low in my life. I have also just secretly eaten a packet of ready salted chips, locking the door to my room as I committed that cardinal sin. I only call it a sin because my parents can't get over the fact that I'm not really sick now - just drugged - and thus unable to go for the !nk party tonight. So my act of rebellion is to eat chips behind closed doors. Yum chips. Actually since the brand is Waitrose it should be crisps instead. Yummy ready salted crisps.
This is partly brought about by the sad state of my love life (read: it does not exist), a suffocating school schedule and a wonderful state of mind that is equal parts stress and 'cannot be bothered' mentality. I shall now proceed to elaborate on these points further.
1) 'sad state of my love life (read: it does not exist)'
The only thing I have vaguely romantic in real life now is the presence of this junior in !nk, initials D. C. (come on, I'm sure you can guess who!) who whenever he talks to be me always sounds like he is flirting. This would actually translate to more points if this person wasn't always talking to people like that, including the senior male editors. I don't know, maybe he's an exceptionally horny bisexual. Emphasis on the exceptionally horny bit, because in order to flirt with someone like me I think the person must be really desperate.
For the past week, I have been rereading the entire Ouran Host Club manga series (including rewatching the pilot episode). For the uninformed, the Ouran manga (as well as the Love Hina and other random manga I have at home) was a remnant from my pre-indie fag days. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy manga anymore because evidently I do - I'm just in the process of being able to mould everything into a congruent image of myself. Anyway as I read Ouran again, I am once more reunited by the stream of emotions that comes with being involved in something and my old crush on Kyoya Otori. Yes, I am that pathetic. This mades me want to continue reading more manga, so I ended up staying a little bit more later than usual every night to read before sleeping (though blame must also be accorded to Guterson's Snow Falling Over Cedars). This thus made me sick, because I was not getting enough sleep.
2) 'suffocating school schedule'
On the night of The Dark Knight, I returned home to a frantic call from Malcolm because we had yet to do our History presentation. After quickly showering, I logged on even though I was seriously dying from the exhaustion. Then, I had to struggle through cyberspace and work out another Biology practical proposal because the last one got rejected while trying to be helpful to Mong and Elliot who were doing the presentation with me. So while I was reckoning with all of this, my exhaustion passed and I was in a state of
The rest of the school week also felt rather tedious, with little to dissipate the monotony and pointlessness of everything. This was especially compounded by how there was so much free time in school, leading to frustration building up because that time was essentially dead time, a dead weight loss, because I cannot do work when there are so many people around. I couldn't really read either because class was so noisy (which led to me hiding outside class with Snow Falling on Cedars almost every break I had). I literally felt time seeping through my small hands.
Economics also posed another problem. Other than being the one subject I most hate, it is also the most frustrating subject because of how it is taught. Yes, I like the Indian Preacher, but damn if I don't enjoy the grueling sessions of non stop past year papers grilling. It makes me feel stupid, frustrated and bored. I don't use my mind in class except to think about how pointless everything is and how frustrated I feel.
The two different points of frustration for me then converged into a mass which demanded exceptional bummishness at home. So I started rereading Ouran this week. This then led to me sleeping later, so I fell sick.
3) 'wonderful state of mind that is equal parts stress and 'cannot be bothered' mentality'
I think most of you know what I'm talking about. This is the feeling that you get when you know you have a mountainload of work to do and feel stressed out, leading to feelings of being burnt out and thus not caring for your work leading to sub-par work which then leads to more stress and bla bla bla.
This thus results in a feeling of avoidance of work and of frustration. So I end up reading Ouran manga. Ouran manga this keeps me awake at night, so I sleep less and fall sick.
So to sum it up, Ouran manga is something else that is bad for my health.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Today I watched The Dark Knight and wow. It was simply one of the most awesome movies I have seen in a long time (I hear the sound of my indie cred dying). I loved almost everything, from how nicely the colours were shot and hued in the scenes, the fast paced action scenes to the multiple explosions. The movie was also downright shocking and terrifying at moments, making me jump in my seat and cover my ears almost throughout the entire movie. This is definitely not a child safe movie.
Some random things (those who have not seen the movie might want to skip this bit):
Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You
Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight.
Note how their hairstyle is THE SAME. I kept thinking that the Joker was Patrick from 10 Things in some warped parallel universe.
2) Two Face's face kept making me think of a terminator when it's outer skin got melted off
3) I kept expecting Harvey Dent's face to be melted off with acid. When it didn't happen I thought I remembered wrongly and forgot about it for the rest of the movie.
4) Batman has a very ugly batmobile
5) Batman always sounds like he has a sore throat
6) Batman's face looks really fat under the mask. This is a pity because Christian Bale is quite good looking.
7) The instances of humour in the movie seemed really badly placed and inappropriate. Also the audience in the movie theatre laughed oddly
8) Maggie Gyllenhaal has a really weird body. Parts of it bounce inappropriately in random scenes. Oddly enough I preferred Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes
Alright, 8 random thoughts (there were probably more, but I forgot them) and I still need to rush off some work. Blah.
Some random things (those who have not seen the movie might want to skip this bit):


Note how their hairstyle is THE SAME. I kept thinking that the Joker was Patrick from 10 Things in some warped parallel universe.
2) Two Face's face kept making me think of a terminator when it's outer skin got melted off
3) I kept expecting Harvey Dent's face to be melted off with acid. When it didn't happen I thought I remembered wrongly and forgot about it for the rest of the movie.
4) Batman has a very ugly batmobile
5) Batman always sounds like he has a sore throat
6) Batman's face looks really fat under the mask. This is a pity because Christian Bale is quite good looking.
7) The instances of humour in the movie seemed really badly placed and inappropriate. Also the audience in the movie theatre laughed oddly
8) Maggie Gyllenhaal has a really weird body. Parts of it bounce inappropriately in random scenes. Oddly enough I preferred Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes
Alright, 8 random thoughts (there were probably more, but I forgot them) and I still need to rush off some work. Blah.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Listening to Air's Biological did nothing to help me in the way of my EPIC Bio Prac Planning, so finally after 3 and a half hours of research and discussion with various well meaning and equally suffering friends, I have finally gotten a viable area of research and some sort of outline written out (thanks to Stephanie and her Bio Brain) - so yay!
Oli mentioned something he heard of the News about these two twins who swopped places for Taiwan NS, so here it is in it's lolness. I really can't help but think of how this makes a nice parallel with Ted Kin and Jim's displeasure at not obtaining the letter for the Commandos interview while almost everyone else that has gotten the letter has complained like hell.
Oli mentioned something he heard of the News about these two twins who swopped places for Taiwan NS, so here it is in it's lolness. I really can't help but think of how this makes a nice parallel with Ted Kin and Jim's displeasure at not obtaining the letter for the Commandos interview while almost everyone else that has gotten the letter has complained like hell.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thinking on a macro level about the events of today and the recent amusement I have found myself, I realised I created a mini monster. This is mainly because what was once a personal blog where I could at least allude to something that was bothering me with the idea that the majority of people who would read my words would be those who I was close to has now been thrust into some sort a public eye of LOL-ness (which it is really, I can't deny that).
This then leads to the problem where I am forced to censor myself in order to try and maintain some sort of dignity about my being (yes, please laugh at that statement) - but on the other hand part of me finds the idea of self censorship quite distasteful. I am who I am after all, why should I hide it? I am human, I feel when things do not go as expected. Except this leads to the problem of everyone knowing how much my life 'sucks' and bla bla bla when I don't want them to know. What a conundrum.
Whatever it is, today was saved from the fiery depths of day hell by my visit to Ianthe's house to surprise her for her birthday. While waiting for Miss Leong to come home, I ended up playing with Masie (oh no is that how you spell her name) for about thirty minutes. As I played with her, I kept thinking about how nice it is to be a dog. All they need are belly rubs to be satisfied and happy with life. Humans on the other hand, fall prey to the problem of having insatiable wants. Boo.
Today also marks the day in which I foresee a few things going downhill, and frankly this realisation brings about an almost unbearable pain to my consciousness. However I know there is nothing I can do about it, all I can do is brace myself as best as I can for the upcoming business and hope enough of me remains unscathed to continue fighting the battle known as life.

This then leads to the problem where I am forced to censor myself in order to try and maintain some sort of dignity about my being (yes, please laugh at that statement) - but on the other hand part of me finds the idea of self censorship quite distasteful. I am who I am after all, why should I hide it? I am human, I feel when things do not go as expected. Except this leads to the problem of everyone knowing how much my life 'sucks' and bla bla bla when I don't want them to know. What a conundrum.
Whatever it is, today was saved from the fiery depths of day hell by my visit to Ianthe's house to surprise her for her birthday. While waiting for Miss Leong to come home, I ended up playing with Masie (oh no is that how you spell her name) for about thirty minutes. As I played with her, I kept thinking about how nice it is to be a dog. All they need are belly rubs to be satisfied and happy with life. Humans on the other hand, fall prey to the problem of having insatiable wants. Boo.
Today also marks the day in which I foresee a few things going downhill, and frankly this realisation brings about an almost unbearable pain to my consciousness. However I know there is nothing I can do about it, all I can do is brace myself as best as I can for the upcoming business and hope enough of me remains unscathed to continue fighting the battle known as life.

Sunday, July 13, 2008
You make me very sad ): All I want is for you to hold me close, take me away from this madness called IB!
On a more serious note, tomorrow will be really fucked up. More fucked up than Adriel Leong. Damn. Here's to hoping we survive :x
You make me very sad ): All I want is for you to hold me close, take me away from this madness called IB!
On a more serious note, tomorrow will be really fucked up. More fucked up than Adriel Leong. Damn. Here's to hoping we survive :x
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Things that have amused me so far this lazy weekend afternoon:
1) A Kawaii Not comic
2) This necklace (click the middle picture)
3) Cthulhu in a cute brooch form
I really ought to find something better to do.

2) This necklace (click the middle picture)
3) Cthulhu in a cute brooch form
I really ought to find something better to do.
Friday, July 11, 2008
I am sad. Since my wonderful profession last night, I have been greeted by a resounding wave of 'OMG BAD TASTE MELODIEEEEEEEEE' from people as varied as Jim who went 'Oy! Explain what you wrote on your blog!' to Ted Kin who gaves me this grimace, Daryl who laughed derisively, Johannes who complained about dying inside about my sincere declaration and Cheam who simply smsed me and went: 'I just read your blog... Words fail me."
Today on the way back at the 2nd bus stop, I saw a guy around his twenties reading a book. This was a pleasant surprise because being an avid reader myself, I seldom actually see people around my age reading much - much less outdoors. So anyway yes, I noticed this guy because he was reading. Then I as I was looking at him, trying to see the title of the book he was reading, I noticed that his legs were excessively vein-ey. The veins on his leg was bulging in large clusters, starting from his knee to his sandal shod feet where the veins just seemed to get larger.
As I studied him from afar, I marveled at how vein-ey his legs were. He looked like a morbid version of The Thinker... he also looked like a human version of a Treant. And as I thought the last thought and LOL-ed to myself, my bus appeared around the corner and I jumped up to flag it down.
Today on the way back at the 2nd bus stop, I saw a guy around his twenties reading a book. This was a pleasant surprise because being an avid reader myself, I seldom actually see people around my age reading much - much less outdoors. So anyway yes, I noticed this guy because he was reading. Then I as I was looking at him, trying to see the title of the book he was reading, I noticed that his legs were excessively vein-ey. The veins on his leg was bulging in large clusters, starting from his knee to his sandal shod feet where the veins just seemed to get larger.
As I studied him from afar, I marveled at how vein-ey his legs were. He looked like a morbid version of The Thinker... he also looked like a human version of a Treant. And as I thought the last thought and LOL-ed to myself, my bus appeared around the corner and I jumped up to flag it down.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
School is obviously bad for my health: I was fine the entire month when we had holidays, fine when there was hardly any school beyond the examination hours and now not fine when school has just reverted back to the normal hours. Now I'm stuck with a stuffy nose, which is still better than the constant noisy sneezing and runny nose I had to endure with earlier in school I suppose.
During the weekend I finished Yoko Ogawa's the Diving Pool which I had the fortune of stumbling upon in Kino in May. I don't pretend to be the best reader there is around - most of the time when reading short stories I am greeted by a unmistakable sense of loss when the story has come to an end: a 'wait wait wait, did I miss something here?' For the Diving Pool however, the feeling that was most pronounced in me was a sense of creepiness, of nerves tingling from suspense and vague horror: I felt like I actually understood the stories properly.
The book which I am currently reading now is Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting - prompted by the book's appearance in Arjun's bookshelf and Johannes' expressed desire to read it. I must say, I have never come across so many unsympathetic characters gathered into so few pages before, unsympathetic characters that one can relate to at the same time. Everyone in the book is either an asshole, an alcoholic or a junkie and the tales spun using colloquial language are so wonderfully authentic in their feel and their (vaguely warped) sense of humour. I have not actually finished the book yet, but this is one book that I have quickly grown to love. It is well worth the trouble of navigating the colloquial English!
On a more random note, there were three disposable chopsticks in a sealed chopstick packet that I was given by the Beef Noodle hawker when I da bao-ed my lunch. I found it mildly fascinating.
During the weekend I finished Yoko Ogawa's the Diving Pool which I had the fortune of stumbling upon in Kino in May. I don't pretend to be the best reader there is around - most of the time when reading short stories I am greeted by a unmistakable sense of loss when the story has come to an end: a 'wait wait wait, did I miss something here?' For the Diving Pool however, the feeling that was most pronounced in me was a sense of creepiness, of nerves tingling from suspense and vague horror: I felt like I actually understood the stories properly.
The book which I am currently reading now is Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting - prompted by the book's appearance in Arjun's bookshelf and Johannes' expressed desire to read it. I must say, I have never come across so many unsympathetic characters gathered into so few pages before, unsympathetic characters that one can relate to at the same time. Everyone in the book is either an asshole, an alcoholic or a junkie and the tales spun using colloquial language are so wonderfully authentic in their feel and their (vaguely warped) sense of humour. I have not actually finished the book yet, but this is one book that I have quickly grown to love. It is well worth the trouble of navigating the colloquial English!
On a more random note, there were three disposable chopsticks in a sealed chopstick packet that I was given by the Beef Noodle hawker when I da bao-ed my lunch. I found it mildly fascinating.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Wow. School has just started and I feel stressed and exhausted already. This is bad because in actuality the shit has yet to hit the fan. It's just merely being loaded onto a trebuchet now - but I'm already feeling the strain of it all. I can just hope random pleasant events along the way somehow sustain me enough to not go crazy - or alternatively I can come up with a personal amusement plan similar to the activities of May and June (though this one was kind of fail). I don't know, I just hope I think of something in time.
Today's form of amusement came when I decided to follow through with the wild idea I had last week to wear a cheongsam to school. I had two people ask me if I did it for a bet. I have also learned that the slits of a cheongsam make for some pretty scandalous sitting and when I leaned over to eat the collar choked me. Sitting and eating aside however, I kind of enjoyed wearing the cheongsam because um, it looks nice. Leg movement was also easier because of the slits. I also felt like Madame Chiang Kai Shek wearing the cheongsam together with the cardigan - which is weird because I don't like the KMT.
Later when Kaijun and I were off on the spontaneous act of the day(tm) - we crossed the bridge linking Clementi to Sunset Way - we walked past this bunch of army boys doing some sort of mass run and one yelled 'gong xi fa cai' in a very discernible Malay accent. I was very amused.
Today's form of amusement came when I decided to follow through with the wild idea I had last week to wear a cheongsam to school. I had two people ask me if I did it for a bet. I have also learned that the slits of a cheongsam make for some pretty scandalous sitting and when I leaned over to eat the collar choked me. Sitting and eating aside however, I kind of enjoyed wearing the cheongsam because um, it looks nice. Leg movement was also easier because of the slits. I also felt like Madame Chiang Kai Shek wearing the cheongsam together with the cardigan - which is weird because I don't like the KMT.
Later when Kaijun and I were off on the spontaneous act of the day(tm) - we crossed the bridge linking Clementi to Sunset Way - we walked past this bunch of army boys doing some sort of mass run and one yelled 'gong xi fa cai' in a very discernible Malay accent. I was very amused.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
My room is in a huge mess, oh my God. I feel slightly sick looking at the mess, a bit like feeling faint and half wanting to freak out in a mass of suppressed OCD. I already can't find:
1) 1 512mb SD card... which still has pictures inside from the class party :/
2) 1 white waist belt, which I hope in find in time for tomorrow
The mess coincides with another problem: I am acquiring stuff at an astounding pace. Like yesterday I bought an electric eraser of all things. And a pack of colourful pens because they were colourful. Today however, I have set a new record by acquiring a shit load of books. This is because when I go shopping with my mother, she loves to head to places that and crowded and have clothes I don't like. This results in me waiting around aimlessly and giving off 'CAN WE GO NOW?' vibes. So to solve this problem she does what she has been doing since I was young enough to be addicted to books - she sends me to the bookstore.
This weekend Zara has a 40% sale going on or something. There is one Zara in Liat Towers and one Zara in Ngee Ann City. Note how one is close to Borders and the other is close to Kinokuniya. So today my grand haul is:
1) David Guterson - Snow Falling on Cedars
2) Kazuo Ishiguro - Never Let Me Go
3) Su Tong - Madwoman on the Bridge
4) Gabriel Garcia Marquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude
5) (ed.) Sebastian Faulks and Jorg Hensgen - The Vintage Book of War Stories
6) John Galsworthy - The Man of Property (Forsythe Saga)
7) Irvine Welsh - Trainspotting
I actually feel guilty for getting my mother to spend so much on books - but on the other hand the price of all my books equals to one skirt for her. I still think shopping online is cheaper + they have better clothes. I really can't stand the clothes they sell in Singapore.
1) 1 512mb SD card... which still has pictures inside from the class party :/
2) 1 white waist belt, which I hope in find in time for tomorrow
The mess coincides with another problem: I am acquiring stuff at an astounding pace. Like yesterday I bought an electric eraser of all things. And a pack of colourful pens because they were colourful. Today however, I have set a new record by acquiring a shit load of books. This is because when I go shopping with my mother, she loves to head to places that and crowded and have clothes I don't like. This results in me waiting around aimlessly and giving off 'CAN WE GO NOW?' vibes. So to solve this problem she does what she has been doing since I was young enough to be addicted to books - she sends me to the bookstore.
This weekend Zara has a 40% sale going on or something. There is one Zara in Liat Towers and one Zara in Ngee Ann City. Note how one is close to Borders and the other is close to Kinokuniya. So today my grand haul is:
1) David Guterson - Snow Falling on Cedars
2) Kazuo Ishiguro - Never Let Me Go
3) Su Tong - Madwoman on the Bridge
4) Gabriel Garcia Marquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude
5) (ed.) Sebastian Faulks and Jorg Hensgen - The Vintage Book of War Stories
6) John Galsworthy - The Man of Property (Forsythe Saga)
7) Irvine Welsh - Trainspotting
I actually feel guilty for getting my mother to spend so much on books - but on the other hand the price of all my books equals to one skirt for her. I still think shopping online is cheaper + they have better clothes. I really can't stand the clothes they sell in Singapore.
Friday, July 04, 2008
It feels like a pneumatic drill. You just hold it over the area you want to be erased and it rubs the words away without you having to exert any force whatsoever. Only catch is that it's heavy because of the two AA batteries inside. Get your electric eraser today, only $2 and another step to mankind getting more useless, from Daiso!
Today I went out with Arjun, Kaijun (and Louis, for a while). We met at Ikea first before following Louis to Orchard Road and bumming around Plaza Singapura for the rest of the day.
Bumming is good. Also being able to buy rubbish from Daiso, like electric erasers and food products :D Butter chicken is however, better.
I just realised I really love the keyboard for Saoirse. It's so much better than Fokker (the desktop in my room now [I named it one day when I was really pissed]). The black keys are nice and big, also possessing the right amount of springy-ness for my little hands. I love the feeling of typing on the keyboard. So well, the adage 'you don't know what you've got till it's gone' holds true once more. I don't like Fokker's keyboard because the keys feel further apart and yet smaller, and the keys are hard and un-springy.
Saoirse, it is nice to have you back.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
"Ah! I want to sit next to my favourite person who never finishes her food" - Ted Kin
The exams are finally over! Thank goodness. However it still doesn't feel like the exams are over in any way at all - the tension is still present in my muscles, the stress hormones are still flowing about my body and the room is a mess of a mass of papers. Oh dear.
After school today we had an impromptu class outing to watch Elliot's favourite movie of all time: Hancock. Chun Wui very nicely bought the tickets for us first, confiscating our EZ links at the same time. This reminds me, I owe him $1. The movie was alright at first, good for some laughs - then some weird ass plot line developed and suddenly the brainless movie started going emo-ey. To this I have only one thing to state: -______________________________________-
The movie ended about 4-something, so a few of us, JLC, Nic, Elliot, Ted Kin, Joash and I wandered over to the National Museum. There we played with a few of the exhibits and found ourselves visiting a rather odd and completely bull shit art installation. It was so bull shit that the introduction to the exhibit sounded like one of Nic's essays, something he himself admitted. It was around 5:30 when we finally left the Museum and I took the bus back with Joash.
On another note throughout the course of the past few weeks I have finished reading quite a few books, the most recent being Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day. There is something about the book that I find rather haunting, like how the implied romance was ever so slight that when I felt it intuitively, I thought I was again trying to impose my own wants onto the story. There is also the idea of a rather wasted life.
While I can't say that it has been one of my all time favourite novels I can't help but admire the craftmanship by the author - how the voice sounded so authentic to the point where it seemed to be fulfilling a stereotype. So yes, perhaps I should try getting Daryl's most admired Never Let Me Go next.
Others books I've finished in this interim is The Book of Other People by Zadie Smith, Marley & Me by Josh Grogan (LOL! A book about a dog. Books don't get more sentimental and mindless than this unless it's a badly written historical romance) and A Russian Affair by Anton Chekov.
In other news Saoirse has returned to me. I almost cried when she died and I was told none of the data could be restored - then she got sent to a data recovery centre and my entire 2 years of computer life was reduced to a bunch of cds for $650... and now she's back and alive $250 later with all of my data inside? WHAT THE HELL. I actually feel a little pissed off now for the money wasted. BLARGHHHHHHHH. Okay this is as far off tangent I'll go tonight. Ta.
The exams are finally over! Thank goodness. However it still doesn't feel like the exams are over in any way at all - the tension is still present in my muscles, the stress hormones are still flowing about my body and the room is a mess of a mass of papers. Oh dear.
After school today we had an impromptu class outing to watch Elliot's favourite movie of all time: Hancock. Chun Wui very nicely bought the tickets for us first, confiscating our EZ links at the same time. This reminds me, I owe him $1. The movie was alright at first, good for some laughs - then some weird ass plot line developed and suddenly the brainless movie started going emo-ey. To this I have only one thing to state: -______________________________________-
The movie ended about 4-something, so a few of us, JLC, Nic, Elliot, Ted Kin, Joash and I wandered over to the National Museum. There we played with a few of the exhibits and found ourselves visiting a rather odd and completely bull shit art installation. It was so bull shit that the introduction to the exhibit sounded like one of Nic's essays, something he himself admitted. It was around 5:30 when we finally left the Museum and I took the bus back with Joash.
On another note throughout the course of the past few weeks I have finished reading quite a few books, the most recent being Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day. There is something about the book that I find rather haunting, like how the implied romance was ever so slight that when I felt it intuitively, I thought I was again trying to impose my own wants onto the story. There is also the idea of a rather wasted life.
While I can't say that it has been one of my all time favourite novels I can't help but admire the craftmanship by the author - how the voice sounded so authentic to the point where it seemed to be fulfilling a stereotype. So yes, perhaps I should try getting Daryl's most admired Never Let Me Go next.
Others books I've finished in this interim is The Book of Other People by Zadie Smith, Marley & Me by Josh Grogan (LOL! A book about a dog. Books don't get more sentimental and mindless than this unless it's a badly written historical romance) and A Russian Affair by Anton Chekov.
In other news Saoirse has returned to me. I almost cried when she died and I was told none of the data could be restored - then she got sent to a data recovery centre and my entire 2 years of computer life was reduced to a bunch of cds for $650... and now she's back and alive $250 later with all of my data inside? WHAT THE HELL. I actually feel a little pissed off now for the money wasted. BLARGHHHHHHHH. Okay this is as far off tangent I'll go tonight. Ta.
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