Friday, July 11, 2008

I am sad. Since my wonderful profession last night, I have been greeted by a resounding wave of 'OMG BAD TASTE MELODIEEEEEEEEE' from people as varied as Jim who went 'Oy! Explain what you wrote on your blog!' to Ted Kin who gaves me this grimace, Daryl who laughed derisively, Johannes who complained about dying inside about my sincere declaration and Cheam who simply smsed me and went: 'I just read your blog... Words fail me."



Today on the way back at the 2nd bus stop, I saw a guy around his twenties reading a book. This was a pleasant surprise because being an avid reader myself, I seldom actually see people around my age reading much - much less outdoors. So anyway yes, I noticed this guy because he was reading. Then I as I was looking at him, trying to see the title of the book he was reading, I noticed that his legs were excessively vein-ey. The veins on his leg was bulging in large clusters, starting from his knee to his sandal shod feet where the veins just seemed to get larger.

As I studied him from afar, I marveled at how vein-ey his legs were. He looked like a morbid version of The Thinker... he also looked like a human version of a Treant. And as I thought the last thought and LOL-ed to myself, my bus appeared around the corner and I jumped up to flag it down.

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