Thursday, July 17, 2008

Today I watched The Dark Knight and wow. It was simply one of the most awesome movies I have seen in a long time (I hear the sound of my indie cred dying). I loved almost everything, from how nicely the colours were shot and hued in the scenes, the fast paced action scenes to the multiple explosions. The movie was also downright shocking and terrifying at moments, making me jump in my seat and cover my ears almost throughout the entire movie. This is definitely not a child safe movie.

Some random things (those who have not seen the movie might want to skip this bit):
1) Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You

Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight.

Note how their hairstyle is THE SAME. I kept thinking that the Joker was Patrick from 10 Things in some warped parallel universe.

2) Two Face's face kept making me think of a terminator when it's outer skin got melted off

3) I kept expecting Harvey Dent's face to be melted off with acid. When it didn't happen I thought I remembered wrongly and forgot about it for the rest of the movie.

4) Batman has a very ugly batmobile

5) Batman always sounds like he has a sore throat

6) Batman's face looks really fat under the mask. This is a pity because Christian Bale is quite good looking.

7) The instances of humour in the movie seemed really badly placed and inappropriate. Also the audience in the movie theatre laughed oddly

8) Maggie Gyllenhaal has a really weird body. Parts of it bounce inappropriately in random scenes. Oddly enough I preferred Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes

Alright, 8 random thoughts (there were probably more, but I forgot them) and I still need to rush off some work. Blah.

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