Saturday, July 26, 2008

Somehow I have managed to go one week without posting anything on this blog. This is rather odd considering that I sometimes go through bouts of OCD where I get distressed over the fact that I am wasting space on the intarwebz without actually contributing anything that might possibly give a marginal social benefit (laughter at my expense/interesting rubbish).

This also means I have forgotten every single musing I had throughout the week but neglected to record down. Boo. I shall now attempt to give a very patchy recollection of my entire week.


The day started out on a rather ominous note. Outside when I was waiting for my school bus to come I noticed a large dark and angry cloud mushrooming over the area where school was. Later on the bus I noted how as we got closer to school the area around seemed to get darker. Turning around, I also noticed how I saw the dawn approaching from the edges of the dark cloud as we drove deeper into the heart of the storm. Night had literally sunk it's hooks into day. Then just we reached school it started to rain heavily. What a start to a day. As a bonus there was no assembly.

During the major huge recess/tok/sl2 break today, Huang Yihui came over. I ran down from the library where I was with Cao and Pong printing EE stuff to the roundabout where she popped out of a cab. Then she followed me back to the library and spoke a little to Pong and Cao. Cao and I (+ Yihui) then traipsed over to Uncle Tony who appeared to be more knowledgeable about the EE format than Cao. Afterwards I went to the SAC with her to talk about random things and people and then dragged her up to the Y6 level where we met an irate Pthong who owned us because visitors were not allowed ):

It was really nice meeting up with her and it was great that she was thoughtful enough to meet up with me & travel down to ACS to do so. In a way this is ironic because it means I've met up with her more even though she's in Australia most of the year than I have with my other MGS friends who still remain in Singapore. Life is odd indeed.

Then after school I stayed back to go over my World Lit 1 with John (thank you!) and Stephanie who was attending the useless UCAS talk with me. Then I reached home around 5:30.

...was a crazy day. I didn't even attend a single lesson the entire day because of charity cafe. I originally wanted to skip school to do work at home, but then I felt guilty at the thought that I'd be abandoning my classmates so I went to school -_______________________-

The first lessons was Econs, but Daryl and I didn't do the Indian reverend's work, so we went to 'help' Darren set up the Wii for the charity cafe. This entailed a lot of bumming around till I got bored and went back up to class to get the stuff to set up the milo dinosaur bit of .9's charity cafe. As I was setting up I noticed that we had no tumbler, no cups and no can opener. D'oh. So off I went to get water from the water cooler and left the tiny kettle to boil as I went off to watch Darren mess about to get the Wii to work. As I sat there watching the Wii, some kids came running into the SAC, tripped over the kettle wire and sent the kettle flying. SMASH the kettle fell down the ground in multiple pieces, spilling boiling hot water all over the damn place. The kids then ran away. D'OH!

The noise sent quite a few people from other classes over to our end to investigate and they all very nicely helped pick up the mess. Chong Wee then helped me piece the kettle cover back together, only for both of us to realise a spring was missing from the inside to the cover couldn't be opened properly anymore. Then Jamie came by and tried to help prise the cover open but failed, so in the end the kettle remained 50% spoiled. At least it still boiled water. So off I went to refill it again.

When I returned I discovered to my dismay that the Secondary recess crowd had just appeared in the SAC, except we couldn't make the milo dinosaur because we still had no cups. Some of the class people appeared but then quickly disappeared as they had to go for the survey and I was left with Jim to man the place. This probably marked the beginning of me starting to get very frustrated and angry at how badly everything was coordinated which made the D in me shoot up. That and I did not like the feeling of getting mobbed by 10,000 kids and trying to get their attention long enough to make them pay for the game.

After some time people from class appeared again and we started making milo and getting mobbed. Then as quickly as the Secondary school mob appeared in the SAC, they were gone. I forget everything else that happened in the interim except bits like:

- playing guitar hero for the first time on the urging of Stephanie and failing because I kept pressing the wrong key
- a series of 5 showdowns by various people playing Through the Fire and Flames by Dragonforce on Expert (for some reason the song looks different from the one on the Wii) and getting almost perfect scores. Wesley from !nk was one of them, Ian Liew and Mong were others
- being really surprised by how good some people were at guitar hero, especially a certain person who played the console like a guitar by actually strumming using a coin
- getting frustrated that we were unable to sell the milo
- eating food and wandering around
- making a lot of milo
- ordering (!!! what the) my classmates around to sell/make milo --> how uncharacteristic of me, I cringe thinking about it now
- getting told to chill out multiple times
- feeling very tired and exhausted
- getting a headache from the loud songs blasting from guitar hero
- watching 2 kids getting owned by a teacher for ponning class to play guitar hero
- getting sick of Cliffs of Dover, Through the Fire and Flames, Welcome to the Jungle and When You Were Young
- getting even more upset when someone opened another tin of milo even though we were done selling

All throughout I kept thinking of how useless the entire day was because I had so much work to do and there I was doing rubbish for charity cafe. Finally after school I managed to get some work done in the library with Louis, so at least the day was not entirely a waste.

After school I joined Eliel, Ted Kin, Elliot and Clarence to watch The Dark Knight Again, one of the few times I was willing to see a movie twice (this is a testament to how awesome it is!). Upon reaching the Hotel Rendezvous bus stop, the bunch of us ran to the Cathay to get the tickets in time for the 2:00pm show.

Watching the movie a second time was great because it gave me a chance to notice all the details that I had missed before. This also meant it gave me a false sense of confidence that I knew what was happening next - so I was less prepared for scary scenes. *spoiler alert!* When the scene where the dead fake batman slams into the mayor's window, I literally jumped in my seat and grabbed Elliot and to my chagrin later found out that I had screamed. Loudly. Oh my goodness, how embarrassing.

After the movie we migrated down to the basement to get the fried chicken from the Shilin Taiwanese snacks, meeting a balloon throwing Louis and Zhikai on our way out. We then walked to Dhoby Ghaut MRT station and Elliot and I then took 77 back.


This post is so badly done I refuse to think about it any further. Buai.

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