Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Wow. School has just started and I feel stressed and exhausted already. This is bad because in actuality the shit has yet to hit the fan. It's just merely being loaded onto a trebuchet now - but I'm already feeling the strain of it all. I can just hope random pleasant events along the way somehow sustain me enough to not go crazy - or alternatively I can come up with a personal amusement plan similar to the activities of May and June (though this one was kind of fail). I don't know, I just hope I think of something in time.

Today's form of amusement came when I decided to follow through with the wild idea I had last week to wear a cheongsam to school. I had two people ask me if I did it for a bet. I have also learned that the slits of a cheongsam make for some pretty scandalous sitting and when I leaned over to eat the collar choked me. Sitting and eating aside however, I kind of enjoyed wearing the cheongsam because um, it looks nice. Leg movement was also easier because of the slits. I also felt like Madame Chiang Kai Shek wearing the cheongsam together with the cardigan - which is weird because I don't like the KMT.

Later when Kaijun and I were off on the spontaneous act of the day(tm) - we crossed the bridge linking Clementi to Sunset Way - we walked past this bunch of army boys doing some sort of mass run and one yelled 'gong xi fa cai' in a very discernible Malay accent. I was very amused.

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