Saturday, July 05, 2008

My room is in a huge mess, oh my God. I feel slightly sick looking at the mess, a bit like feeling faint and half wanting to freak out in a mass of suppressed OCD. I already can't find:

1) 1 512mb SD card... which still has pictures inside from the class party :/
2) 1 white waist belt, which I hope in find in time for tomorrow

The mess coincides with another problem: I am acquiring stuff at an astounding pace. Like yesterday I bought an electric eraser of all things. And a pack of colourful pens because they were colourful. Today however, I have set a new record by acquiring a shit load of books. This is because when I go shopping with my mother, she loves to head to places that and crowded and have clothes I don't like. This results in me waiting around aimlessly and giving off 'CAN WE GO NOW?' vibes. So to solve this problem she does what she has been doing since I was young enough to be addicted to books - she sends me to the bookstore.

This weekend Zara has a 40% sale going on or something. There is one Zara in Liat Towers and one Zara in Ngee Ann City. Note how one is close to Borders and the other is close to Kinokuniya. So today my grand haul is:

1) David Guterson - Snow Falling on Cedars
2) Kazuo Ishiguro - Never Let Me Go
3) Su Tong - Madwoman on the Bridge
4) Gabriel Garcia Marquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude
5) (ed.) Sebastian Faulks and Jorg Hensgen - The Vintage Book of War Stories
6) John Galsworthy - The Man of Property (Forsythe Saga)
7) Irvine Welsh - Trainspotting

I actually feel guilty for getting my mother to spend so much on books - but on the other hand the price of all my books equals to one skirt for her. I still think shopping online is cheaper + they have better clothes. I really can't stand the clothes they sell in Singapore.

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