Friday, February 06, 2009

10 points about Today

I feel really amazingly tired now, to the point that I am unable to think rationally. I also feel really sick and bloated - probably from lunch today. However I feel the need to write about today for some odd reason. So in point form here are the random shit that happened today:

1) Mr Tan came extraordinarily late to pick me up for work, even for his usual late timing

2) I started reading the affidavits I was paginating for a divorce hearing. The man had multiple affairs and the woman is also having an affair. Lots of salacious details. Poor children in the middle. Mr Biswas' oft said line, "O gawd" is very applicable here. They're both idiots in my opinion who don't deserve custody of the children.

3) Around 11am the photocopier machine died. Instantly a mass of harried people ran around and started creating a huge fuss and panicking because the other machine was down for repairs. Since the machine doubled as printer for about 50% of the office, this was a disaster. After a while I went to investigate, finding the whole thing superbly amusing, and somehow ended up attempting to fix the problem with Jen. Then when Mr Tan came over I somehow got stuck with the dodgy job of digging in the bowels of the photocopier to pull out the jammed paper which I was able to do with some maneuvering. After I pulled out the paper, the machine was fixed! And the firm returned to normal again.

4) Another auditor appeared again today in the afternoon. In the main area the girls (though they're like my parents age) were tittering about how one of them thought he was cute. This led to multiple instances of us walking past the meeting room to inconspicuously glance at him. Then we discussed it inside. I wonder if he knew what a fuss he created inside the office. (He was okay looking, but nothing to shout home about)

5) Today was company lunch day. Nicky (the other intern) and I went with Lay Geok to Stanley Street to buy Briyani from there and vegetables from Amoy Street. A client bought her special handmade yusheng for us to lo hei (again).

6) I ate so much for lunch today. To get an idea of how much I ate, I finished a full packet of rice, egg and chicken yesterday (with extra chicken because Mr Tan didn't want to eat so much) and I was hungry by 5 pm (I finished eating at 2:30 pm). Today I didn't get hungry at all till like 8 pm. This is probably why I feel so sick and bloated now. I had like 5 scoops of Briyani rice, Chicken, Achar, Lo Hei and random bits of dessert. Then at 2:30 pm (about an hour after I finished lunch) I started eating more Lo Hei again to finish it up.

7) Today when I walked out of the toilet area and closed the door my skirt got stuck. Just as I went "wtf!" when I wondered why I couldn't walk away, the guy fixing the Canon photocopier looked up and saw me trying to free my skirt from the door. How embarrasing. I even drew a map so you'd understand the layout more:

8) I left the office today to meet the pastor I'm supposed to be working under in Nepal with my dad. He was with his father. I feel quite psyched to go now.

9) At Parklane after the meeting I absent mindedly walked into the male toilet instead. My thought process was like this: "Oh how strange and subversive, few female toilets have a blue colour theme... what are those things? they look like urinals... oh dear are those urinals?... omg blue + urinals!!!" then I turned to scurry out. Luckily no one was around. However on my exit I did bump into a guy who looked damn surprised to see me and I started giggling away for some reason. I guess I was trying to hide my embarrasement.

10) At Gelare with Mong having dinner at 8pm-ish, we met Wesley from .8. He looked really happy to see us even though it became apparent that he knew Mong as much as he knew me... only by name and face and nothing else. Still it was nice talking to him, and he mentioned a truism: it was always nice to see people from school (well give or take a few characters).

And it is thus with this that I retire.

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