Saturday, February 28, 2009

Oh gosh Toileight.

Today was exceedingly dodgy. So dodgy that it actually trumps Anna, I think. It started out innocently enough with morning breakfast with Yihang and Jiayun at Simply Bread. I had a very nice mushroom omelette and stole lots of the tomato pieces off Jiayun's bruschetta. Then I got an SMS from Joel reminding everyone to be at school on time for filming, so I reluctantly left them and went to the bus stop.

When I finally reached school, I headed straight for the SAC only to find that no one (I thought) was there. This made me a bit cross yet amused because the person who demanded we be on time was later than I was. How fun.

Finally filming started around 12 p.m. plus and finally ended around 5 p.m. It was certainly a very interesting experience, partly because this was the first time in more than 2 years I was surrounded by people that were completely new to me (all Y8s + 1 Y5) and also due to the excessively dodgy nature of the content. It was also especially awkward at first trying to go through "lines" and having to deal with filming positions, but luckily the guy I had to do it with (a Y8 named Joshua) was funny and the awkwardness went away slowly.

By the time we finished my feet were killing me and everyone was half dying of heat stroke. It was excessively stuffy on the set and the rain + humidity didn't really help matters. Still I suppose, it's one of those things you do in life a few times, might as well enjoy it.

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