Sunday, April 02, 2006

Last night's Expresso concert was really great (:

I really enjoyed myself and the acts were pretty good, though some of the singing groups were kind of well, bad. I kept cringing in my seat but I guess it's where their heart was when they agreed to perform that counts (:

There was also this beatbox-er called Donny/Donnie and it was really great listening to him. He was very talented and it was simply mind blowing listening to him!

The last act was Electrico! Even though I'm not a fan of them I went up front with a bunch of other girls and there was a mini mosh pit, after the concert I couldn't hear properly. It was just really fun getting into the whole spirit of things and letting lose, though I'm sure the teachers weren't too happy about it. I even saw some people leaving before Electrico came on and I found it highly amusing.

There's a good movie on Art Central today I think, It's Goodbye Lenin! and it comes on at 9PM.

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