Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Actually I don't have much to blog about. But I'm so bored I felt that I had to blog about something, though I really should be off studying something like Math, which I managed to screw up.

Today there was Bio! To be more specific: Bio practical.

We did the 2005 exam paper. I remember reading in the New Paper that one student sliced off his finger while cutting the carrot and then fainted O.o Lots of other schools reported students sustaining minor injuries. That will never happen at MGS for one reason: the knives are too bloody blunt. No idea about the paper cutters though, but after years of usage and a healthy paranoia of all things sharp by the MGS girls, it's safe the say that the first few sections of the cutters are pretty blunt - except for one which I kept snapping off the other day. Beware the lone sharp cutter!

Okay that was pretty random. Anyway we were given a whole carrot and had to cut it in various ways. Always the one trying to skive off, I positioned my carrot in the middle and stabbed it and then opted to use the Guide's method of splitting wood.

In the end I got so bored I started cutting various shapes out from the excess carrot bits. Of course Esther PWNED every bored girl out there by making a quasi-domokun like thing with 1/4 of the extremely huge carrot (the full legth was about 20 cm). She brought it home in the end.

As retarded as She's the Man sounds, I really want to watch it! The newspapers gave it a good review and I've always had a semi-fascination with 're-interpretations' of classics (the movie is based on Shakespeare's Twelth Night), mainly a morbid kind of interest too see how badly they've been butchered, but this movie seems to hold some premise of a good show. Anyone up for it?

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