Monday, May 29, 2006

Hello. Today was... fascinating to say the least (:

As most of you guys will know, I had the pleasure of sitting for the O Level Examinations for Chinese today, this being my first 'big' exam since the naive days of the PSLE in 2002.

I woke up this morning, dead tired, with a dry throat and a bad tummy which would seize up at the worst moments. It was miserable. Absolute misery. I tried eating a few bites of the sandwich my mother had prepared me but I couldn't stop coughing badly :/

Then I had to rush out of myself because I heard someone say that we had to be in school by 7:30AM -.-

At school I ended up walking around and talking to various people, and at 7:50 found myself outside of the staffroom, panicking because my co-form teacher appeared to have forgotten about my O level confirmation slip which I had misplaced earlier (I bet it's in my room somewhere). Thank goodness for Mrs Cheng who had come out of the staffroom and led a few of us outside the Secondary Hall where my teacher was and had somehow managed to get my teacher out without actually calling her O.o

The exams itself was a rather absurd thing. Halfway during the exam I gave up, my mind unable to process Chinese and sing along to a particular song at the same time - so halfway during my O level exams I sang softly along to a witty ditty.

I also had to use the loo - badly! The bloody exam hall was so cold, and either I had alot of ADH secreted or the reverse, forgot my bio, either way it was freezing and I had to use the toilet. It was mad. I know Jia Hui and some other girl went off to use the toilet, but I figured that I might as well wait for the exam to finish before going. Talk about chinese water torture.

Also one of the invigilators (ask me on msn and I'll tell you) smelt like potpurri. Mad! He was so sweet smelling it sickened my stomach and rotted my teeth at the very scent! The smell itself was very jarring too: the sight of a full grown man juxtaposed with the scent on frail old ladies and knitting. You get the idea.

During the paper I also got so bored I started scribbling random words (from 'guten nacht mutter' to 'ichirin no hana') and random strange drawings (like a piano). I should frame up my exam paper :D

There was a little bit of marching after the O levels, and man, I really need to practice more! I kept forgetting when to stomp and my mind would wander off every few moments, resulting in me really messing up the drill. Thank goodness there's practise tomorrow, wouldn't want to make a fool out of myself on the actual day itself :/

Ianthe and I watched X-Men: III today. It wasn't as exciting as I hoped, somehow :/ I think Jean's 'changing' into Dark Phoenix looked like rigor mortis in corpses. Plus I found the kissing scenes totally hilarious for some reason, it really looked like Jean wanted to 'eat' those guys up - literally. Bones, metal spines and all. Yum yum.

The man next to me kept shifting in his seat, and golly gee, he was massive! Not to be rude, but when he moved, the whole role of seats shifted at the same time. Plus he FELL ASLEEP halfway during the movie and started to snore, which made me giggle at the strangest and more sombre points of the movie. HEHEHE. Right. His son was mortified.

On the bus home, an old looking man got on. Because I always get extremely annoyed whenever I see old people standing up on the bus while all the young 'uns ignore them, I decided to ask him if he wanted my seat, out of courtesy. So I learned forward and I asked him, and he shook his head. However later on as the bus got more crowded, he came to stand over Ianthe and me and I felt SO BAD with him there. I know it wasn't my fault he didn't want to sit down, but gosh! There he was, standing over two students and I was so embarrased all I could do was stare at the seat in front of me :/

It was guilt, though I had done nothing to incur it!

Oh well. I am dead tired and Suat is flying off tomorrow to do something funny with molecules in an Oxbridge College overseas, how lucky! (:

And I have lit, chinese and more marching tomorrow.

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