Saturday, May 20, 2006

After the whole dress tailoring fiasco, I am pleased to announce that I have my prom dress now (: Now I have no idea of what to do with the green monstrosity lying in my room.

For lit, Anthem for Doomed Youth and Pike came out! :D yes!

Today I was out shopping with my mum and I was at Tangs, looking for something and I saw this little boy playing with a toy car around this mannequin dressed in lingerie. The mannequin was in some weird pose on her back and the boy kept running his car down from her belly button area and through the cleft of her breasts, giggling to himself all the while, LOL.

When I was at Isetan I also saw another boy who looked about 7-8 and he kept running around grabbing at all the mannequin's breasts, looking to his mother for her disapproval, and then laughing as she frowned. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Children are very entertaining. Especially the perverted ones.

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