Saturday, March 07, 2009

Dreams Will Try To Take You Far Away

I finally finished reading Things Fall Apart today. Before that I was reading the rather thick A House for Mr Biswas for what must have been a month. I don't think I've spent that long reading a book in the past one year+!

Things Fall Apart was alright I suppose. I constantly wondered what was going to happen at the end, wondering if something exciting and dramatic would happen. Instead it was terribly anti-climatic. That and I used to laugh whenever the words 'foo-foo' came out.

A House for Mr Biswas however was incredible (so thank you Arj for recommending it to me!). It was one of those books I didn't want to read because I feared reaching near the end. That and the fact that the ending made me sad, and when I was sad I couldn't sleep at night. But anyway the book was really slow in the beginning. It was just endless LOL-ing at the unfortunate Mr Biswas. It became so bad that almost everytime he started a new endeavour I thought it'd epically fail and fear it. It wasn't really till the ending parts of the books when Anand's character started to grow in prominence that I got hooked. It was really his role as the poor unfortunate son of Mr Biswas that caught my heart, not that of Mr Biswas. I even cried a little at the part where they're unable to go into the movie theatre because Anand forgot the price and they brought too little money.

On another note when I was out with Estelle today I bought Virginia Woolf's Orlando. I think I'll read that next, her style of prose really caught my eye because it kind of reminds me of how I write, a little. I'll have to finish reading it more to see if there really is such a correleation.

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