Saturday, March 28, 2009

I'll take an interest in illustration

I don't know why I can't think properly tonight. I feel like a plate (maybe metal) has been inserted down the front of my brain. I feel scatter brained and find sustaining a long string of thought hard. I'm not sure if it's just tonight or a resulting of a low drawn out degeneration of my mind's faculties due to extreme disuse. And I'm not even serving NS ): Yet however a string of thought has been lingering in my mind, albeit disjointedly.

Today someone confessed to me that he liked me (if you're reading this I hope you're not horribly offended I mentioned it here :x). He said knowing that I was happy now was good enough for him, and that perhaps one day if fate would have it we'd meet again and something would hit off. I thought this was a rather good thing to say. Anyway this led me to thinking rather about how alarmingly temporal affections and emotions are (quite the opposite of what he meant I'm sure) because I remember falling madly in 'love' with people, feeling that my life would be over if the person rejected me, yet somehow I survived in the end. There was no grand Love In the Time of Cholera-esque epic enduring love where I slowly pined away my life over one single person (as of yet). Instead it was all over either tearfully when I heard the person got attached or when the feeling slowly faded away.

I suppose this is rather practical thing to have, the ability to suck it up and move on with your life rather than recklessly throwing it away over someone who might not feel the same way about you/is unable to love you back because of circumstance/is unable to be with you because of circumstance, yet somehow it seems (dare I say it?) unromantic. I kind of wish I could do that, the whole fall-in-love-and-never-change-emotions things despite the fact that such a concept is wildly impractical and will almost always lead to massive deliberating heartache. Think Rose who lost Jack in the Titanic.

Anyway to you anonymous person, again I apologise if I've offended you. I hope that you too will be able to move on and find the right girl that I know is out there waiting for you. And perhaps yes, we might meet again 20 years down the road in an airport terminal - though I won't be sipping coffee because I hate it. Au revior.

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