Monday, March 16, 2009

Laika the Canon Rebel Xsi


I finally got my DSLR, a Canon 450D. I love how light the camera is and how the grip is just right for my small hands, plus the cheaper price was a very attractive factor :p (that and how I have access to lots and lots of expensive lens owned by my dad and his friends). I got it from John 3:16.


Today was quite a terrible day for me at work. I kept on making lots and lots of mistakes. For a bill and the 2 attachment letters I must have taken close to 10 re-dos before I finally got the damn thing right. I'd do silly stuff like type GST as $700 instead of $70, forget to add the bill number, that kind of shite. It was incredibly frustrating spotting the mistakes and having to re-do everything. I blame this on the fact that I'm currently not feeling very well now, dry sticky throat and sniffly nose and all.

Still, I had a good weekend. I guess this is the trade-off for not sleeping from Saturday to Sunday.

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