Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I finished The Crucible! (:

This morning I was in my parent's room (which faces the field), stoning, because I had forced myself to get up earlier than usual so I could re-adapt back to my usual school time routine which ultimately resulted in my mind not being able to form a coherent thought in the first 1-2 hours of my awakening. I also fell asleep halfway while reading one of Miller's digressions into Hale or something.

Anyway, as I was saying, I was in my parents room. I had gone to look out for the dogs. About 5 minutes after I started watching the dogs, this woman, probably one of my neighbours, came out to the field, dragging a box and carrying an assortment of stuff.

After watching her for a while, I figured out through my sleep deprived brain that she was trying, rather unsucessfully, to trap the dogs. With her she carried some white bits of food and tried to entice the dogs to venture near the box (which funnily enough, had a piece of string attached to one end. Now all you need is a stick propping it up to look like a cartoon). After about 25 minutes she got tired and gave up trying to catch the dogs (or that she ran out of bribes) and went back to her house.

Today my cousin, the little terror, came to my house for the day. What utter chaos! What destruction! What tyranny! I thought the day would be wasted because I wouldn't be able to finish any work at all (I tried to plan my EOP essay downstairs and he snatched away my question sheet and said he'd do my essay for me -.-) but when he napped I got to do some math :/ and finish up my reading. The kid's only 5. When he gets to 15 he'll probably be even worse.

And since I'm on the topic of holiday homework now, I still haven't finished all my math yet! I did finish all the Paper 1s, but I haven't quite grazed the surface of the 4 Paper 2s :/

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