Friday, June 16, 2006

I was watching the Oprah show just now (because the only other viable alternative I saw was on a totally sexist POWER RANGERS NINJA STORM with one piddling peroxide blonde among 4 guys and their changing into super power mode or something, consisted of them ripping of their clothes, ala Superman without the phone booth and less panache) and they were talking about of all things: shit.

They were talking about how shit should look (except they called it a more tactful stools), how shit should sound when it exits the body and hits the toilet bowl and various other delightful stuff. Glorious!

What I found the most interesting was how the doctor on the show (the guest) managed to procure various organs to show Oprah and the guests. They ranged from unhealthy to the healthy, from high blood pressure damaged Kidneys to normal ones (one question that came out for the Bio exam). While they didn't state exactly where the organs came from, I had this unsettling feeling that they came from human corpses :/

Still it was pretty cool looking at preserved organs.

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