Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Actually I was so angry when I got back and started ranting immediately I forgot to blog about what happened just now which was rather amusing but horribly embarrassing :x

At the Dover MRT station, Nic and I were walking to the other end of the platform to wait for the train when he suddenly said "Hey look, hot girl", so I looked. As I walked. (You can probably tell where this is going) Just as I was about to say "not hot what", I collided into something. Someone.

After I hit the person, in a daze I just looked at her and walked on like O.O then she sort of came after me and my first thought was "oh shit I should have apologised! I'm going to die now." But instead (next thought registered: OMG LITTLE OLD LADY!!! I HIT A LITTLE OLD LADY I HOPE SHE'S FINE!!!) she was (in Mandarin) "Are you okay? You hit my head where it's thick so I'm okay but it's very hard, did it hit your head? Is it painful?" and all I could stammer out was "not painful, but I feel like dying from embarrassment!" and true enough everyone there was staring at me >.<

I felt like taking a long walk over a short MRT platform.

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