Monday, January 05, 2009

Today I went to school to bum around. On the way back home I took 166 to Clementi so I could change bus to get home. As I was seated on the upper deck of the bus, I came down early to wait at the exit when the bus had stopped at a traffic junction. Next to me on my left was some old 'uncle'. While standing there and waiting for the bus to move, I felt a gust of warm air hit my neck. At first I thought it was the air conditioning so I ignored it, but then it happened again and it felt far too strong to be air conditioning, so I turned back to look. When I turned back I saw the old man give me some lecherous smile, and my WTF!? mode turned on.

I shot him this really disgusted look and moved away from him a little. But instead he leaned closer to me and kept on blowing air at my neck. WTF!!! So I moved away from him to the other exit door where there were other people who looked at me oddly, wondering why I had moved away. From my new spot I shot the fat cheekopek this really disgusted look, and he kept smiling at me.

It wasn't till I got off the bus some 5 seconds later that it crossed my mind to shout at the guy and create a commotion. I was too busy going WTF?!?!?! in my mind and surpressing urges to punch/kick the guy to even think rationally of the right action to take.

BAH I am throughly disgusted.

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