Monday, April 07, 2008

Today started out weirdly.

In the morning, as I sat in a drug induced stupor munching on my ham sandwich, I spotted this large behemoth (it looked like it was the size of my clenched fist) of some vaguely insect-like thing flying towards me. As I ducked and freaked out simultaneously, it suddenly changed it's flight path - flew right into a wall with a thud and fell into a box (about 2m+ high) with a plop.

Then as we entered the CPA for chapel, the freaking laser ray gun from STARSHIP TROOPERS greeted us (while also severely impeding human traffic).

Later on during Econs, I discover I forgot there was an assignment (read: in class non open book essay) and started panicking - I've already failed one Econs test because I forgot about it and didn't study. Instead we watched the end of Life and Debt (with the most fascinating Jamaican accents - I would marry a Jamaican for the accent alone!). Phew.

As if the day wasn't odd enough, the clasp/hook on the back of my skirt fell off, so my skirt kept unzipping itself and threatened to fall off. Damned cheapo skirts. I ended up having to use my shawl as some belt to hold the thing up. I remember frantically looking for a safety pin (and for some reason I hear a mocking 'BE PREPARED AT ALL TIMES!' now) and having the vague idea of stealing the safety pin off the back of one of those green ribbons. Then I realised those pins were far too small.

On another note, this link has been sitting around my browser for the past few days. It's simply the most romantic letter I have ever read in my life, from the philosopher André Gorz to his wife. There's talk of his letters being compiled and translated into English for a book which I hope is true because I want that book.


I'm obsessed with something completely pointless again. Woo hoo. Go me.

Except this one is worse-r than the last one.

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