Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I have recently been assailed by odd dreams and odd anxieties popping up in my head. They come to me in random thoughts, like "what if I die at this very moment?", "what if I cry?", "what if I get engaged to someone I don't love?". I've also been sleeping nights filled with dreams that I remember. When this happens to me it usually means that a strong emotion has been triggered by that dream, and I remember it vividly - and have a disturbed rest where I wake up tired. For instance last night I dreamed that on my way to the IOC examination room, I dreamed that someone came out and molested me, and that I was so traumatised that I couldn't do my IOC.



I got bloody 12th Night. Of all things to get I got 12th Night. This makes me think about to how I gravitated towards the central envelope, but then changed course halfway and took the envelope at the top left instead. I have no idea why I changed course, but I did. And then I ended up with 12th Night. On the upside it was Act 1 Scene 1, the best of all the 12th Night extracts - but then again I studied so hard for King Lear and Poetry! It all seems like such a waste, I would have done better even if I got Lear's Death Scene even thought that was the worst bit of Lear to comment on!

When I reached school today, my heart was thundering away even as I hopped out of the car. It was thundering away like nothing I've ever felt before, worse than that of any examination I've ever sat through. I did the only thing that I thought would alleviate the pounding of my heart - I started listening to the loudest music I had possible. In my very limited ipod this meant Quiet Riot's Bang Your Head and Disco Ensemble's Drop Dead Casanova even though I was really thinking about Eye of the Tiger or The Final Countdown.

In class I talked to Song Yeong briefly before closing my eyes and listening to music. When I opened my eyes I saw Ted Kin and Daryl. Before rushing off, I took out my inhaler and took two puffs - then I walked out of class. As I hopped down the stairs, I had to suppress the urge to start running like hell :x

At the examination centre, I realised I forgot what room I was supposed to report to - so I started pacing around outside the Music Rooms. Then I got a call from Sir Weeaboo. I ended up running down to the Old Boardroom instead where I was met by a frantic MNathan. Then I picked up the wrong envelope and started annotating away. The rest as they say, is history (thank God!).

After school I went out with Stephanie and Arjun to Holland V. to bum. We went to NYDC and had tea there (not literally) before wandering about. Then after I got back home I watched 4 episodes of Season 3 Grey's Anatomy. What a nice way to bum after IOC :D

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