Sunday, August 10, 2008

On Friday I bought Blonde Redhead's 23. Since then I've been reluctant to actually open it and since I have the songs on my itunes and ipod already, there is little a need to do so. Another reason for me putting off the actual opening of the CD is that the cover, coupled with the red insert, look amazing together. The red insert will fall off when I take off the cling wrap ):

This is how the album looks:

I was initially a bit horrified when I saw it online last year. It made me think about bad fan fics about gay minotaurs (they're always male for some reason, so much for gender equality). On Friday night however as I ripped off the price tag off the back, I realised that if I used my fingers to cover any 2 of the legs, the girl would look normal no matter which 2 legs I covered - just as long as 2 legs were covered.

Because my camera has been stolen by my mother for her wonderful week-long vacation in Hokkaido, I am stuck with my scanner. Here is the rubbish I've been up to:

Girl in normal pose, standing attentively and poised to smash the next ball that comes her way.

Girl poised waiting to hit back ball, leg raised in anticipation of running.

Girl waiting to hit back ball and leans back to stretch for ball (she also looks a little like she is falling).

Girl in very unglam pose, legs stretched wide open so that she can smash the incoming ball.

I would insert a mathematical formula here for the number of possible permutations of leg covering, but then I realised I have forgotten how to. She has 4 legs, of which 2 must be covered... So does this mean there are 16 possible combinations? (Advise me o fellow Math SL and HL people)

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