Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I enjoyed the interview immensely.

If college experience is going to be like that, then well I'm sold! Honestly!

I arrived at the college all apprehensive and was the first to arrive among the 2:30 people. I made my way though hordes of scary staring RJC students, avoiding their penetrating gazes as I walked and instead closely examined the flooring of RJC (mostly poured cement). I ended up sitting down and reading Time while waiting for the interview to start.

Inside the reading room, I jotted down notes that came to mind, stoned a bit and read the scratchings on the table "Did I ever do something that *unreadable word* to you?". At first I thought it was Spanish because of the upside down '?', but later realised it was written upside down. I also kept thinking about 'Be Thou My Vision' even though 'Eye of the Tiger' is my 2008 I-can-do-anything! song (Be Thou My Vision was my 2006 song). I also noted how the hair of the girl next to me seemed to be falling out in alarming clumps :x

The guy who interviewed me was from Lady Margaret Hall. He was bearlike. He was also very friendly, and that helped a lot. The passage I got was the same one as Arjun, on the Great Man Theory, so yay, it fit in nicely with the History I've been studying for the past week on Lenin. We also ended up talking about my Extended Essay (and the thought that if I had to do the essay verbally I would have scored better flitted through my head). Overall it was a interesting and invigorating experience, I genuniely enjoyed the discussion. At the end I even asked the Professor if he'd enjoy having a student like me, and he said yes. I felt much better after that because it means no matter where I go, I'm someone that people want to teach :D

Of course this also brings up the Theory of Backwards. The better the interview, the worse you have actually done. This is because the Profs save the missives for the ones they deem smart enough to fight back. Whatever it is, even if I don't get in, it was a truly enjoyable experience discussing History with that Professor (I very sadly, forgot his name).

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