Thursday, October 23, 2008

The thing I most like about long bus rides is that I am given time to think without any outside distractions. The thing I don't like about bus rides are that they usually denote a transit between two points, which means I am unable to recall or record down my exact thoughts en route because there is no recording device on hand. This means that whatever Fantastic Things I have been thinking about often temporal and result in no great epiphanies.

I shall now attempt to record down the random things I was thinking about today, in my 1hr+ spent in 156.

1) A rough list of Things That Made My Heart Stop Yet Beat Faster At The Same Time (in a bad way)
2005 - Prefect Interviews
2006 - Chinese O levels, thinking about O level results
2007 - O level results, IOP
2008 - TOK presentation, IOC, Mid Years, Pre Lims, University Interview, University Test, IB exams
(expected) 2009 - IB results, University Application Results

2) The failure of capitalism and the idea of communism and other new yet to be discovered ideologies (this was a rather short short thought)

3) Implications of the 1st ever recession of my maturity

4) Stereotypes and pigeonholing (I planned to blog about this, but I forgot most of my thoughts)

5) The concept of being 'lost' as a modern (or is it post-modern?) concept

6) The ever present divide between 'elite' schools and the outside world (started by some Nan Chiau High kid talking/shouting really loudly in the bus, having a conversation with his friend who sat across the aisle)

7) Paranoid observances of JC uniform wearing people on the bus (are they applying for the same colleges as me?)

8) Scattered thoughts about how I'll miss random parts of Singapore when I leave next year


I really, really, ought to carry a small notebook with me around.

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