Saturday, January 24, 2009


I'm sure by now most of you (since I assume you are all Singaporeans) have heard about the recent Tan Yong Soon controversy where an MP was accused of being 'insensitive' to the needs to Singaporeans feeling the pinch of the recession. He had gone on a 4 week trip to Le Cordon Bleu in Paris to learn cooking with his wife. Because of the total cost of the trip, he was thusly accused by the self righteous blogosphere of Singaporeans who seem to take umbrage at every damn thing that they either don't posess or don't agree with. This hit headlines earlier this week.

Today as I read The New Paper (headine: painter father asks daugther to pose nude) this was frankly the last thing on my mind. In the beginning pages of the paper was the usual articles about recession and the new economic stimulus plan by the government, etc etc etc. At the back of the paper however, right before the sports section, was the whopper that got me all steamed up and pissed. Every Sunday TNP always reports on the socialite parties of the rich and (so they like to consider themselves) 'famous'. This week was an article on a roman themed party by Dr Georgia Lee and co. Now my long standing issue with this is 1) why the hell does TNP have to publish this bullcrap and 2) the decadent wastage of it all. The article ended with a splendid "recession be damned!" as if ones recession woes could have been undone with one line alone.

Now let's look at this logically, point by point:

1) Cost
Tan Yong Soon's course would have undoubtedly cost a lot more than the party no matter how decadent it was since it was stretched out over 4 weeks.

Point to Parties

2) Usefulness
Tan Yong Soon and his wife left the course with the knowledge and certification from Le Cordon Bleu on their course. Should they wish they could have used this to apply for work in the culinary field. Dr Georgia Lee's parties served absolutely no purpose but to apply people to party and waste scatloads of money.

Point to Tan Yong Soon

3) Duration
Tan Yong Soon's course lasted for 4 weeks in Europe.

Dr Georgia Lee's party lasted for 1 night.

Point to Tan Yong Soon

My conclusion to all of this madness is that people are self righteous fools. Am I being self righteous by saying this? Of course! Every week I feel annoyed and disdainful of the socialite parties which seem to me to be nothing but a massive waste of money but I don't resent them or complain on every single media outlet I can find about OMG HOW INSENSITIVE THESE RICH PEOPLE ARE, LIKE WHAT ABOUT US POOR PEOPLE WHO ARE SUFFERING FROM THE RECSSION :0

Fuck you idiots and your stupid lowbrow manner of thinking. Who are you to get outraged by how someone spends their money? You might not agree with how it was spent but that doesn't mean you have to be so thin skinned and sensitive as to raise such a motherfucking big hue and cry over it. What about getting all sensitive and touchy about Dr Georgia Lee and co.'s parties eh? The thought never occurred to you? WELL NO FUCKING KIDDING, since most of you are idiots that just follow the herd mentality and repeat the opinions of the initial few uptight asswipes that first got actually offended by Tan Yong Soon. You have a brain. If you don't use it please don't act like you have one.

And for the record, I still see no problem with Tan Yong Soon and Le Cordon Bleu. At least his course was USEFUL and had a PURPOSE.

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