Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I feel displaced again today.


Yesterday was Read A Chapter of a Book day and I read finish The Pleasure of My Company by Steve Martin (since it had no chapters) and read two short stories from Taking Pictures by Anne Enright.

I got shocked just now trying to switch on the bathroom light. My left index finger feels all tingly now, and my left arm is shaking ever so slightly.

Today was Go Vegetarian for a Meal day. Last night as I was about to sleep, I realised that it should be 'Go Vegetarian for an entire day' to make the task harder to complete because one could cheat and just eat bread for breakfast... which incidentally was what I ended up doing because during dinner, I realised that there was minced meat on the tofu that I was eating. D'oh. So er, I'm not quite sure if I failed/passed today. Technically I passed, personally I think I failed.

Tomorrow will be a more challenging day.

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