Sunday, April 12, 2009

God Only Knows

I often find it amusing how people have such high value of themselves. I've had 2 such experiences over the past few days. For instance the other day I was out when I met two ex-schoolmates from my Secondary school at Little India MRT Station. I didn't really want to see them, but since it was inevitable that we walk past each other I decided to be nice and wave at them. Both looked at me with the same I'm-surprised-and-not-in-a-good-way manner, but that's where their similarities ended. One (who was my ex-classmates) waved at me and the other who I used to be fairly close to went "Oh look, there's our friend."

In both instances I'm not sure where the people involved have obtained such a high value of themselves that they deem talking to me to be a favour to my person. Please, I am only trying to be polite to make whatever shit of a life that we all have (cue Plato's "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle") all easier. That doesn't mean you can test my patience repeatedly by acting like you're the greatest thing since Meiji Gummy Chocs (which are awesome) and flat out refusing to take hints that I feel nothing more for you than I would a mildly annoying acquaintance so please: GTFO.

I do not do things without a purpose, so please if I've been taking phenomenally long to reply to you on MSN it's not because I'm a dumbass who doesn't know how to string together words to form a coherent reply but because I'm avoiding you. Please, go take a hike and leave me be. I tire of you.

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