Monday, April 06, 2009

Walk Out To Winter

I'm starting to really hate the weather. Yesterday when I got home from Bali, I went to my room and just melted. The sun was ever blazing hot and I was pespiring away even after a shower when I was lounging about in a t-shirt and shorts. Then, just as I left the house it started to rain like crazy, the howling pelting needles of superfine rain which slanted it's way even into covered areas because of the wind.

Today it started raining again. Thankfully the damp this time round isn't affecting me too much except that I got a bit wet bringing a client for comissioning in the neighbouring building and I want to go grab some lunch soon without getting wet. Instead the effects of the rain today is to make the office at some mind numbing freezing temperature. I can't take off my sweater without feeling the urge to shiver. I'm also starting to feel a loss of my sense of touch in my fingertips. Boo. What horrifically schizophrenic weather we're having these few days. I hope it ends soon.

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