Sunday, October 07, 2007

Facebook is very much a tool that digs up relationships past and present - the good and the bad.

With the recent addition of someone, it's almost as if I've come (almost but not yet) full circle from the young girl at 13, crying - to one 2 years later and evidently not any wiser - to the present 17 and still equally screwed, ways of coping getting less and less destructive and the pain being magnified that much more.

Sometimes I wonder, especially now if I have really become a better person - compared to who I was am I a much better person? If he sees me now: what will he think? Be glad he left so quickly or be filled with regret? The little person inside me thinks it's the former - but do I really care all that much anymore? I don't know.

On the other hand 2x choc cheesecake from nydc is so sinfully sweet that it negates any melancholy I might feel writing this post. Cheers to placebos to help us forget the past and pain; even if only temporarily.

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