Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Very strange living arrangement in my house. For the past 2 weeks+ my maid's daughter has been living in the same house as us - she came over from the Philippines to search for jobs a second time round after finally quitting her job back home. So now every night, her mother sleeps on the sofa in the living room and she gets the room to herself.

It's a pretty small room anyway. After more furniture got added to it (at Felice's insistence), there is literally no place to walk now inside the room.

I guess when she gets a job she'll rent a place closer to her office. In the meantime her mother looks more and more tired everyday, as if her insomnia and hard menial work doesn't tire her out enough.

Edit: Just now while washing up before sleeping, I was on the loo when I espied a strange tiny mass on the tiles inching towards me (I wasn't wearing spectacles so everything was a little blurry). At first I thought it was some fly that had gotten caught on some stands of hair and was moving about woefully, then one of those rainy day flies with long wings that land up in water patches and drown in great numbers.

On closer inspection however, it was something more disturbing. It appeared to be an almost transparent flat fat worm inching about, it's fat (relatively) sections quivering in waves with every move it made. It was about half an inch long.

So anyway to cut a long story short I squished it with loo roll and flushed it down the toilet.

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